Thursday, February 28, 2008

[Yet Another] Muse

Alright, so I had a dead hard drive. That's the bad news. The good news is, I now have another hard drive that is set up and is ready to go again. Thankfully, most of the data that is lost is non-critical stuff that can be rebuilt. Of those that cannot, they are just small little memories of my past here and there—probably not of much consequence, I guess.

It is rather interesting. On the one hand, I am one who is rather traditional by nature, yet on the other hand, I am also one who is radical and embracing of new ideas (as long as they make sense). A mild contradiction of roles perhaps, but I think that I'm rather comfortable with that. Rooted in tradition, yet open to new ideas; that is probably the best motto that I can get away with given the current circumstance.

So this week and the next are really the biggest crunch-downs for this half of the semester, with all classes having mid-terms within this time frame (I kid you not). I'm likely to be spending most of the weekend studying and building memory aids to help in the recall process of the key issues that are present in each of the courses. I'm not too afraid though, just more grinding to be done.

So, yeah. Life. So many challenges, so many changes, yet I'm still enjoying myself all the way. I must admit that acknowledging that I'm not extremely smart has probably helped me calibrate what I am supposed to expect out of myself as well as how I should be approaching things in general. A calm disposition is one that I most definitely should upkeep, for hot-headedness will not allow me to go far, not under most circumstance.

I can't wait for spring break to arrive. A moment of consolidation, and a great way to start packing/sending things back home to reduce the amount of packing that I need to do prior to the start of the summer break; also, it is a great time to take stock of life in general and to probably shift my Slackware installation to a Xubuntu one. Why the swap, one might ask. Well, while I like the simple interface of Slackware a lot, I realise that upkeeping Slackware just takes too much energy to keep up with. Xubuntu has the minimalist structure that I like, and at the same time, it also has a rather easy way of keeping up with security updates. The only thing that can likely shift me away from Xubuntu will be that of Gentoo Linux, but of course, the high maintenance required means that I need to re-temper my expectations of how things are set up.

As I said, it is just a musing. At the end of the day, I might just leave my Slackware alone and carry on with life thus, but who knows, really?

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