Tuesday, April 01, 2008

FL Studio 8 Released

So in theory, I'm supposed to be working on my homework, but seriously speaking, I'm rather tired now. It's late, and I had a rather long day—I've been up since 7.30am this morning for some confounded reason that even I am clueless about. After spending a good 14 hours out of my room, I suddenly find myself yearning to actually catch up on some sleep.

So, now, time for some interesting news. FL Studio 8 was just released a few days back, and being someone who actually has a real license for the suite, I actually have a free upgrade of the software. So, I've downloaded the software suite and messed around with it. I like the fact that there is actually a synthesizer builder in it called synthmaker, which makes building virtual instruments rather useful. The caveat to this will be that it is based on a completely graphic-based programming style, not unlike a programming language that I used before called LabVIEW. It is rather similar to 2D as done in the 9th ICFP programming contest that was organised by CMU. But of course, the good thing about this will be that there is no need for me to actually write code that will ensure the usual numerical stability issues and to actually think in terms of how the signals ought to work with each other.

Alright, that's roughly about it for now. I seriously am too drained to want to write more.

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