Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pompous Buffoon?

Am I a pompous buffoon? Sometimes I ask myself that question, particularly at times where I sit quietly and do a little introspection (so hard to find time to do that nowadays). I find that I know quite a lot of interesting things, but unfortunately, that rigour aspect of things are a little lacking, for really, research is not a measure of what or how much you know, but the lineage of the information that you've got. That's the whole onus behind ``the chain of proof/evidence'' that is prevalent in Science.

But anyway, why the question of a pompous buffoon? Pomposity is that know-it-all attitude that one can display, and a buffoon is mostly a stupid person. Maybe I am a pompous buffoon at times, secure in my knowledge and wanting to demonstrate to people that they are wrong at one point or another. Or perhaps I am, as always, being rather existential about things once again. But do these matter? Not to anyone no---no one really cares about what my internal state is. Actually, that's not quite true. Most people will not really care about what my internal state is, only my closest family and friends are interested in that. For that, I am thankful; I suppose that's what it means to be a human. To have the support and care of those who love you, to those who are related to you by choice or by blood. Maybe that's the purest kind of love that one can ever hope for in this life.

But yes, pompous buffoons. I can't really stand them. Especially when they are patently wrong, and refuse to see reason. The cocky way that they push their perspective, thinking that they are always right, without actually realising that they may, in fact, be wrong, even when those said parts are pointed out by many time and time again. Very annoying bunch of people. I hope to never be like a pompous buffoon, for the sake of others and more importantly, for the sake of myself.

Well, that's enough of a rant. Gotta think more, and wonder about how to survive this semester with little lasting psychological damage. Till the next update.

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