Monday, May 16, 2022

Marking Time

With a blink of an eye, the 3-day long weekend is about to be over.

I completed The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design by Roman Mars, & Kurt Kohlstedt. It's a guilty pleasure type of book, and in this particular case, is a survey of many of the design decisions that were made with respect to the urban city, be it organic or otherwise. It's a fun book, and the illustrations really give it that chic that made me glad that I got the dead-tree version.

Apart from that... I just played more Minecraft. This time, I decided to build an exploratory over-land rail trail in the southward direction with an initial detour to avoid crossing over my industrial square. Nearly six full shulker boxes of smooth stone were consumed, with about half a shulker box full of Jack O Lanterns to provide illumination to avoid mob spawns. I finally found one of those lush caves and grabbed some Azalea and Glow Berries---worthy additions to my farms. I also found a few more rare biomes, like the various ocean variants, the Taiga, and eventually ending at a Woodland Mansion. I'll probably lay out the rails to get me there first before attempting to subdue the Mansion---this can be a fairly long-ish project in Minecraft.

I think that's all that I care to write. I'm actually quite tired now, and am going to take a shower before turning in for the night.

Till the next update.

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