Thursday, May 05, 2022


Oof. New phone, new contract, pay 29% more, but gain 15× more mobile data, 4× more storage, 2× more RAM, and a whole host of other benefits.

Eh, just check out this comparison between my old work horse of the Pixel 2 XL versus my new Xiaomi 12.

If I had a choice, I wouldn't be upgrading. But there is little choice to be made. The old super-grandfathered plan was really too pricey for what it was providing, and I am getting concerned over the fate of my Pixel 2 XL, considering its age. I've had it since 2018-08-22, and today is 2022-05-05... that makes it roughly 3.7 years. That's a pretty long time for a daily carry device.

But who am I kidding? I just wanted a new start.

Let's see... new EZ-Link card (qvssref sebz bar gung V tbg sbe fbzrbar ryfr orsber), new ink (qvssref sebz gur bar V hfrq gb jevgr yrggref jvgu orsber), new phone (n qvssrerag qrivpr sebz gur bar V hfrq gb fraq fubeg zrffntrf qnvyl jvgu orsber), new gig bag (qvssref sebz gur bar gung unq cngpurf znqr ol fbzrbar orsber), and of course, a new job.

Almost all the utilitarian things that have undergone their associated wear and tear have been replaced, their sentimentality pushed aside.

Stuffie though... Stuffie is still the same. I love Stuffie---Stuffie is irrevocably mine, a gift for me to keep. Stuffie reminds me of the good times, and reminds me that happiness sometimes do come in small packages, and is what you want to make of it. My new work place (it's not really new considering that I've worked there for four months now) does not have enough table space to set up my takoyarnie army, but remember that I only started bringing out more and more critters to keep my sanity when things started to go sideways for whatever reason.

Anyway... yes. A new start, in many ways.

One can keep telling oneself that one has moved on, but one never has truly moved on until one has taken actions to demonstrate that one has moved on. And the more I keep thinking/talking about this, the more narcissistic this all feels.

Not sure what to feel about that.

There are strange stirrings from the US, and I'm not comfortable about it. I had said some time back that it would be years before I was comfortable to visit the US, and it seems that what I had said then holds true even today. There are also other odd rumblings elsewhere, and overall the vibes I'm getting from the world at large Is Not Good. I think too many people who are in power have gotten too drunk with their power, and that many have convinced themselves that they have subjugated the very people that they were supposed to lead (not rule over, mind you) to be completely pliant.

I fear that there might have been some rather serious miscalculations, and that the masses are slowly building up in their restlessness against what they believe to be injustices. It does not matter if they are politically conservative or liberal---the voices of dissent are rising from the quiet background noise to something that is metaphorically audible as whispers. Soon it will reach talking, and then shouting, before an invisible level is breached and outright violence breaks out.

Oh, I didn't mean just the US for that matter; I do mean it for places all over where there is seemingly no good trade-off from the oppression. People are willing to accept some oppression if whatever they get in return is considered to be of greater value. I am not declaring that they are wrong/right---I am merely making an observation.

Well... there's not much that I can do except to pray. Not to pray for world peace, but to pray that I fulfill God's purpose for me here and then fuck off to Judgement Day before reaching into eternity.

Fallen world is fallen. We can fight entropy, but it will always win in the end.


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