Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bunch of Munsch

I just realised that perhaps I ought not to be wearing my current set of polo T-shirts. Without buttoning up the entire front of the polo T-shirt, the collar tends to fall really flat onto my shoulders, which makes the whole polo T-shirt collapse like some really weird article of clothing.

I'm not sure if it is because my polo T-shirt is old, or if my neck is too thick or if my shoulders are two broad which screws up the entire set up of the shirt. The third possibility, of course, is that I've not buttoned enough of my shirt.

Enough of random rantings.


So I had lunch with Harish, Sadu and Yongji today, and among other things that we talked about, we were discussing about our favourite pet peeve—the education system. Among the four of us, three have been studying in the United States and there was one who had studied both back here and over there.

Our consensus is that our current education system is inadequate in the production of thinking people, though our reasons are more varied than what one might expect.

I'm of the opinion that our system here tends to produce workers than thinkers as a matter of principle, while the others think that the whole culture itself is orientated towards regulation. Now, regulation is not a bad thing, but too much of it can become detrimental; need I bring up the multitude of problems that are occurring in the current situation?


It's nice to see these folks once more. They remind me of a time where we were more carefree and had more time to debate about the various occurrings in Singapore. I wonder when these times of debate and thought will return again.

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