Friday, July 11, 2008

Firefox 3 Installed (Finally)

Finally I got off my ass and set-up Firefox 3. In the very short period of me using it, I would say that it is decent as a browser. The only icky thing about it is the lack of a good compact theme. For Firefox 2, I used miniFoxFlat, but couldn't find a similar theme for Firefox 3. The closest was Classic Compact, but even then it looked too flashy for me.

That is, until I discovered that in addition to that, I needed to add Classic Compact Options just to be able to pull off the entire miniFoxFlat look. Check out the following screenshot:Notice how much more compact Firefox looks now, compared to the default theme that it comes with.

In fact, the default theme looks so much like Internet Explorer 7 that it wasn't even remotely funny.

On a separate note, I've always liked user interfaces that are "cholestrol free", i.e. without extraneous widgets and oversized gadgets just to get something done. Which explains my choice of the console interface and the rather spartan look on most of my applications, and also the relative comfort I have with working on the tiny screen of the ASUS EEE PC.

Okay, that's all for now. Till next time.

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