Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Short Update

Okay okay, I get it. I've not been updating this as much as I used to, simply because there is really little to write about. But today, now today is just plain different. There's actually some interesting stuff to talk about here.

For one, I'm really excited that I have managed to find a 17 open-hole flute with B-foot from Amazon.com. While I must say that I'm not really a very big fan of flutes as compared to say the 笛子, I'm always on the look out for a French-styled B-foot flute, simply because of its range and overall balance compared to the C-foot flute. The construction of the B-foot flute is subtly different from that of the C-foot flute, and with that subtlety, it introduces a whole range of notes that can be played on the B-foot flute instead of that of the C-foot flute. This also means that when I've amassed enough cash to actually purchase a sterling silver flute, I'd be ready for it, and not end up wasting my money simply due to the fact that my abilities do not commensurate to the abilities of the instrument.

And yes, I've managed to get it to ship to Singapore. Now the thing is, will it reach me in time? Only time will tell on this one.

That said, I spent the day divided between programming my "toy" stack machine to prepare for the Forth virtual machine that I'm working on, and watching a movie, Get Smart. It's a fun movie, and I could almost recall the original television show through some of the antics, particularly the whole shebang of doors that needed to be entered just to get into the headquarters. It's full of laughs, with a relatively well-mixed set of various types of humour. A refreshing film for the summer, I'd guess.

As for my virtual machine project, my compiler is still missing the ability to resolve addresses, as well as the rather important IF-ELSE-THEN structure. It is currently able to do everything else rather well, and I'd have to sit down and write Serious Code in order to make it completely working.

That all said, I'd conclude that it was a rather eventful day today. And later on in the morning, it is off to swimming I go once more.

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