Monday, May 30, 2011


I'm not much of a fan of sleeping a lot, but there are times where I actually appreciate a good night's rest just so that I can feel a little more rested than usual. Of course, one of the side effects of having enough sleep is that I dream, and we all know my views on that matter (I don't like dreaming since I can remember most of the dreams that I have, and since dreams represent to a degree one's subconscious/unconscious desires, it is not something that I want to remember), so it is often with great reluctance that I partake in such an activity.

Sleeplessness takes its toll on the human body, for sure---one is mostly functional at a low level that requires little insightful thinking and that's about it. But I find that as time goes by, and as I slowly get acclimatised to the fact that I'm largely sleepless, the ill effects sort of go away.

I realise that I'm not much of a morning person. True, I can get up and out early in the morning, but my brain isn't actually ``awake''---I can absorb information well in the morning, but I can't process them till much later when the sun is up. Afternoon is my ``hard core thinking'' time, where I can devote energies to unravelling just what is going on. And when night time comes, that's when the coding streak comes out. Ideally, the said coding should be done with some hard liquor on hand for the best results, but liquor is expensive and sometimes clashes with some of the random medication that I need (read: it clashes with every damn thing that can be counted as medication, from antihistamines to everything else), but one cannot be too picky at times.

It is at times like this that I wish I could be fully operational/functional with only 4--6 hours of sleep. That NZT-48 drug would have been a godsend should it actually be real (read: it isn't real; only appears in the show Limitless, a nice film along the lines of Flowers for Algernon, but with a more Hollywood-esque ending, i.e. everyone lives happily ever after), but of course such good things almost never appears in real life---gotta make do with what we have.

Anyway, I think that life has a much simpler question to answer than what many people think. It is not so much as ``what is life'' but ``how do I deal with whatever life throws at me'' that we need to seriously consider. I find that even the best of plans that one may have for one's life can be and will be marred by events that one has little control over, and thus it is actually more useful to know how to react than to be completely proactive. The concept of being completely proactive suggests some level of control, which is not wrong on its own, but many people misunderstand that the [limited] control that they have over matters are somehow complete. That is of course dangerous and is the chief reason why people get pissed off when things don't go their way. I think I've been hit with enough of this crap that I'm starting to understand the whole ``make plans but be prepared to react accordingly'' perspective of life.

Alright, I think this is starting to get a little too heavy for a Monday morning, so I shall stop my belly-aching here. Till next time.

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