Friday, May 27, 2011


If there is one thing in the world that I allow myself to hate, it would have to be the idea of being maligned.

I hate being maligned. I have said this before a good four-ish years ago, but things have a strange way of repeating themselves in cycles, whether or not we realise it. Being maligned is one of the most annoying and asinine acts that people can do to me. I can tolerate anger, I can tolerate hate. But I absolutely cannot tolerate being maligned for something I did not do.

Being maligned is probably one of the worst kinds of feelings to go through, particularly when the incident in which one is maligned was actually something quite benign in nature. Indeed, there is a Chinese saying of ``听者有意,说者无'', i.e. the listener listens with a certain intent in mind while the speaker had no such intention. Humans have a strange way of picking what they want to hear, and most times it does not help when they already have a preconceived notion of what you are, and thus take everything with that prejudiced perspective in mind.

I suppose that's why I've started to not give a damn about other people and their thoughts, preferring to think simple and literal, and to have an overall expression level that is no better than a moron. All the fancy words in the world will not change any person's mental model of who you might be.

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