Friday, June 03, 2011

Don't Invite Me To Any More Social Networks

You know something? It is really strange that people who don't talk to you for long periods of time are still somehow keeping track of you, if only in a cursory manner. But what annoys me the most is that these people will still happily click on that spammy ``invite all your friends'' link to add me to their social network.

Eh, why the hell do you add someone to your ``social network'' when you have not interacted with that person ``socially'' in a damn long time? Doesn't the whole concept of ``we are not talking with each other'' mean anything to you? Can't you just leave me the hell alone by not clicking on that spammy button to add me to what is effectively your bragging board?

Anyway, truth be told---I am really not into the whole social network thing. The only reason I even have a damn facebook account is because the current breed of people whom I have to work/play/live with don't seem to understand the concept of using email and want to do everything (from planning to wrap up) on facebook. Already I am a social misfit who partakes in little of the whole ``social life'' phenomena; if I still stay away from this facebook nonsense, I think I'd be in worser shape.

If facebook went belly up tomorrow morning, I wouldn't even drop a tear. It was, has been, and will be a meaningless thing to me.

By extension, I hate all the other social network sites, whether under the guise of it being ``for professionals only'' or not. If folks can recall, facebook used to be a ``for college students only'' thing---that was one of the main reasons that I convinced myself to sign up for an account on it to keep abreast of things that are happening on and around campus. But then it opened up to the rabblement and see what happens now.

I think I'm starting to sound like a grumpy old man now. Heheh.


It doesn't take an Einstein to realise that I'm starting to write new entries here on a slightly higher frequency. Yes, it is usually a sign that things are not going well in real life, but that aside, I think that being segregated from people everywhere has a strange way of making me want to write more. Writing is fun; writing is therapeutic. Writing has a way of allowing me to just sit there in an easy chair, and just hack away without a care in the world. But of course, writing because things are not going well is just different from writing fiction---between the two, I think I'm a little better at the former than the latter, since I don't usually have the wherewithal to actually start on any new pieces of fiction (read as: I don't have many stories I feel compelled to tell).

Anyway, it is obvious that I'm just deviating from the main topic of today's bitching. So, till the next time.

1 comment:

Mohammad said...

Facebook definitely has limited uses and is quite a distraction. I definitely understand the sentiment about people being unable to use email.

Life is like the weather. It has its ups and downs. The bright side is, if it sucks, it'll probably get better. There's the other side too, but we'll stick to the bright side for now.