Saturday, January 22, 2022

The Day That Isn't Really Mine

On this day some thirty nearly forty years ago, the grace of God and my mother's hardship allowed me to appear in this world.

I did not choose to be born. There are many things that I can make choices in subsequently, but being born just isn't one of them.

But that does not mean that I am not grateful for having been brought into this world.

Being born into the world is a great direct risk to the mother, and is, in general, a risk to my parents.

Because there is no way of knowing anything about the child. Only God knows what He has planned; the rest of us just hope for the best.

This day that people call MT's birthday, is not really dedicated to me---I think it inappropriate, for all I did was merely start to exist. The ones where this day should be dedicated to isn't me, but God and my mother, the former for His inscrutable plans, and the latter for well having me through her labour.

I think it took me more than three decades to realise this. And I am glad that I have realised this before my ability to be thankful to those who contributed to my creation is forever nerfed due to the mortal coil.

That is all. Till the next update.

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