Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Most Valuable Thing That You Possess

What is the most valuable thing that you possess?

To me, it is you, the you who is willing to spend time with me. Goods perish, money/assets depreciate, skill levels wax and wane as our minds/bodies reach their peak and then fade away with time.

But you, the you who is willing to spend time with me, that is the most valuable thing that you possess that cannot be replaced with anything else.

Time is something that cannot be easily banked---once that second is gone, it is gone with no way of recouping it. Sure, I did mention before how money is an accounting measure in which humans have devised as a means of ``banking'' time, but it's just not the same for the same reason why money supplies always need to have some form of inflation built in---future time is always more valuable than past time because the past has already occurred, while the future is always hopeful, with so much potential and non-deterministic outcomes that make it a crime to ascribe less value to as compared to the past.

And that's why commitments are treated as being valuable---it's the staking of the most valuable asset that one possesses on something that makes the action so valuable.

Speaking from a position of relative privilege, money can always be made in other ways ``easily''. But time, the time that you choose to spend with me, that can never be made back. For you to choose to spend time with me means that you have chosen to prioritise our relationship (platonic or otherwise) over all else, and to share that precious unrenewable possession of yours with me. What we end up with spending time together is to create that unique gift that is indestructible---the memory of the moment.

No one can take away that precious memory short of destroying all that is objectively what makes us ``us''.

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