Saturday, September 15, 2007

Another Week Has Passed

So another week has passed yet again, and I am sitting here writing yet another odd entry here. Not much has changed, yet there is probably enough to make me want to sit down and regroup a little. The homework load has increased yet again, but it is more or less falling into routine, it is still not that bad. I am actually learning new things as we are going along, and hopefully, I'm not going to suffer this semester as badly as I did in the last.

Which brings me to an interesting question to think about. Am I really cut out for a PhD in Computer Science? Is there some kind of hidden score/marker that determines if someone has the chops to go for a PhD programme? This worry has been niggling at the back of mind for quite a while now, since as a sophomore, I'm more or less half-way through my undergraduate programme. At Carnegie Mellon, I don't feel particularly bright—overworked is probably a more apt description than anything else. My academic advisor also seems to be giving me the impression that I'm not that smart, at least, as compared to the other brilliant folks who are walking around campus. This, of course, has cast some doubts on my own abilities.

I hope to be able to come to a decent enough conclusion and idea by the end of this semester, then it is off to get my thing done so that I can do some good for myself. In other news, I've started to take my flute-playing a little more seriously, and am actually trying to practise the pieces which are traditionally for the flute (and not just the marching band stuff). It'll take a while, but I'm sure that at the end of it all, I'm probably going to do some good with it. Miyazawa flutes seem kind of interesting; they actually have a B-foot. And yes, they are professional quality flutes, something which I probably won't be touching for quite a while, at least until I feel that I'm ready enough skills-wise to justify the cost of actually owning one of this. I've put in a request for the price catalogue, and so it should be coming in soon enough for me to actually take a look (and drool) and wonder when I should get them.

In yet other news, I'm surprised that the deactivation of my facebook account haven't done too much damage to me; I'm neither feeling bored, nor am I feeling sad that I can no longer keep in touch with my "friends". I think that this is a good thing; it probably shows that I'm starting to leave the whole "virtual" thing behind and am trying to step back into the world that I am a part of. Alright, I'm starting to be a little tired of writing, and so it is back to doing whatever I was working on before I decided to write this piece.



meisee said...

dont give up on studying. it hasnt given up on u!

Anonymous said...

If there is something that interests you greatly, and you're ready to spend six years researching it, then you have what it takes to get a PhD. Having something you're interested in is more important than having a 4.0.