Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm Obviously Not Writing Here That Often Now

It is perhaps noteworthy that I am currently not writing that often in here. Maybe it is because I have started to run out of things to gripe about, or that there are much more things in the real world that I need to deal with instead of making all kinds of silly noises here. All in all, I suspsect that this might be a good thing.

So, yes, there was a rather interesting anonymous comment made in my previous post. And the answer to that is carefully constructed and placed in the comments section therein. And no, I did not ambush myself with a question like that to generate traffic—on the contrary, I was actively trying to reduce unnecessary traffic due to a rather silly google mis-classification of my blog as providing some manner of download in the form of some wallpaper image.

I don't need that search engine giant propogating my life throughout the world—hardly necessary I suppose. Speaking of which, this semester is just about to start to get rather interesting, as things are starting to rev-up rather quickly. Already I have 6 pieces of homework due on the same day (i.e. tomorrow), and thankfully I'm down to about my last 3, one of which involves drawing some diagram (hopefully not taking too long to do), and another on proving some interesting properties of series convergence (I should be able to do that without killing myself too much I guess). Thank goodness for the invention of LaTeX, otherwise I cannot foresee what I would be doing running around with random scraps of paper and trying to put solutions and proofs together in a linear fashion.

Computer-based work is rather interesting, in the sense that we can do many things in a non-linear way. This is rather useful, since it allows us to better re-allocate our time with regards to what we are doing—literally allowing us to attempt (and solve) the parts of the homework sets that we are confident of solving, and not waste precious time getting rather stalled at the ones that we don't know.

That said, I am contemplating over several issues. One would be whether to obtain Office 2007, and the other is a choice between an ultra-portable computation system or a small-form factor server with which I can use Edythe to talk to. None of these are of particular significance at the moment, and so they currently belong in the "good-to-have" category of expenditure—I've more things to worried about now.

That said, it is back to the grindstone. I just want to finish all my business I have with Windows XP so that I can switch over to Slackware and work on my math proofs.

Till next time.


Anonymous said...

i have office 2007!! can use for 3 computers!!

The_Laptop said...

I know you do! But I was wondering if it was really that useful for me to actually install that office productivity software on Edythe, that's all hahahaha.
