Friday, November 07, 2008

Intrepid Ibex Xubuntu on Edythe-EEE

Take a look at this screen capture:This is the stock Xubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) that I managed to get installed on Edythe-EEE. The installation process was relatively painless, considering that Edythe-EEE has 2GiB of RAM (this is always useful). For all practical purposes and intents, I did a clean install because of the [wrong] design decision that I made earlier to allocate 512MiB of hard disk space for swap space. That decision was made because of I had only 512MiB on the machine then, which was generally not a good idea.

Since I've increased the RAM on the machine, it made things so much easier. Edythe-EEE has a relatively sheltered life, sitting at home and serving as a backup server in case things go awry. That is, until I buy the really large battery for her, thus giving her the competitive edge to challenge Elyse in terms of raw stamina.

The only drawback in the installation is the dealing of the weird screen brightness issue with regards to the reboot/suspend/open lid actions. I think I can live with that, so I'm probably not going to attempt to fix it. That said, the wireless card (a notorious issue with the EEE PC 701 series) has been enabled through the magic hackery of NDISWrapper (details can found here).

Again, this post was created in Edythe-EEE.


Also, check this for fixing the gargantuan scrollbar widths. The actual file location is /usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0 (I'm editing the Clearlooks one).

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