Monday, November 17, 2008

``Pretty Typing `Part Deux' With Small Bugs''---Working... Sort Of...

I have managed to port the script that I used for my portal such that it can be a more general purpose prettifier. This means that I can simply type things like ``this'' and will find that the output is much sweeter... and it also means that I no longer have to memorise those damn entity references and just type clean text that can be read almost universally everywhere.

That is the most irritating thing that has been done---as you can tell. Also, if you are using Internet Explorer, you'll find that you no longer have to get the ``MathPlayer'' tool just to view this blog---I've decided that the need to display pretty mathematical equations here is rather moot because I'd rather have a more rigorous version typeset using pretty LaTeX, and hosting it from my portal.

So, before I go crazy with this new-found formatting power, I will retire for the night. The day ahead is going to be a rather long one, and I sure as hell need as much rest as I can get away with.

Till next time...

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