Friday, November 14, 2008

On Helping People

It has been such a long 24 hours, possibly one of the longest 24 hours that I have had in a while. With deadlines looming so close, there's little that I can do but to bite the bullet and attempt to brave all that comes my way.

For some reason, I suddenly feel sagely, almost like I'm the rational voice among the drowning drone of the people. It is a funny feeling, and seriously, I don't really know what to make of it. On the one hand, I like helping people, and have done so many times before. On the other hand, I know that I need to slowly wean myself away from that feeling in order to ensure that I don't end up being abused like some slave of someone.

That said, it is not that I will stop helping people—it is just that I will only offer help should I explicitly be asked to do so. People are strange irrational creatures, in the sense that they will never be happy with the fact that you offered help, even if it is really obvious that they most desperately need it. In fact, I think that there is a branch of psychology that deals with the idea of how people like to feel as though they had "worked" for something in order to feel suitable satisfied. The silliest example that I come up with is that of the marathon. Clearly, one can easily travel 42km by car or even bicycle, but these people choose to run the marathon instead. By that observation, it can be seen that perhaps their goal is not to get from one place to another, but the process in which they had "worked hard for it" that makes it fulfilling to them.

I'll leave that for now. I need to catch some sleep if I want to do well for the microeconomics test tomorrow morning. Till next time…

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