Monday, March 09, 2009

Lucid Dream

Sometimes as I sit quietly in a dark room, I start to think about things that might have been. For instance, what might have been have I not taken up the A*STAR scholarship, or even what might have been have I decided to go into EEE instead of CS. I play the what-if game ever so often, sometimes confusing myself between reality and dreams---that's another reason why I hate to dream at night. The reality of the dreams are almost indistinguishable from that of the actual reality that I am embedded in---in my dreams, things are more coherent than they seem to be in real life, and among other things, there is an air of success that is present in my dreams that does not seem to reflect itself strongly in real life.

There are other reasons why I don't really like to dream that much---dreams can be misleading. The only way that I can tell that I am in a dream and not in reality is only because there are things that are slightly different (and not quite possible in real life) within my dreams, for instance, that I am some hero, fighting off bad people, and trying to save the day and all. You might wonder how I remember these things---the truth is, I am a lucid dreamer.

It is rather strange to be able to recall many of one's dreams, and perhaps it is much stranger to realise that some of the dreams are somewhat premonitional by nature. Maybe that's why I like sleeping only when I am dead exhausted, so that I cannot recall what I am dreaming about. Sometimes my dreams scare me, most times they don't. But the times that they scare me, they leave a rather lasting impression in my mind, often taking days to purge it out of my subconscious.

Dreams, I used to like to recall them, but now I prefer not to. Nightmares are among the most terrifying things that one can ever have, since they shock oneself deep in the core of one's ego, where it is rather hard to reconcile.

But on to other matters I guess. Next time.

1 comment:

roticv said...

For me, I do not like to dwell on what-ifs, instead I would rather look ahead and think about things that I can do in the future. You cannot change your past but you can shape your future.