Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The nightmares... they are terrifying. Sometimes I wish I could just not remember them. I know that if I am sufficiently exhausted, the nightmares stay away, but these days (as it is the break), I cannot seem to get myself to be sufficiently exhausted. The other solution is to imbibe a large quantity of alcohol to induce myself to pass out, and thus not be able to remember/dream, but that has its whole host of problems that makes it impractical.

Why do they keep returning to haunt me? What is the problem with me? Why do these nightmares recur? Is there something that my unconscious is trying to tell me? Am I turning even more crazy than I already am?

Due to the lucidity of the said nightmares, I cannot help but wonder if there's something that I need to be aware of that my mind is trying to tell me. Maybe some dream analyst can come up with some ideas.

Meanwhile I will apply my tried and true way of sleeping only when dead exhausted to save myself the grief of having to deal with all these nightmares.

1 comment:

roticv said...

Hey, it wasn't spam. Someone wasn't too happy about my blog entry and another friend's comment. To please the person, I removed them.