Monday, March 26, 2007

Just for today...

Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings,
Just for today I will not worry,
Just for today I will not be angry,
Just for today I will do my work honestly,
Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing.
Core tenets to Reiki (霊気). Quite an interesting energy manipulation technique.

And yes, I have completed a workshop on this, and am able to channel some of this energy. (=

Okay, back to real work now. Probably some rant tomorrow or later, depending on whether I actually have the time or not to do it. There's just so much to do for this week, so I'm not guaranteeing anything.

Oh, I've decided to re-invoke the powers of my Tiger's Eye bracelet. It's a time of great peril for me, and the use of this gemstone is probably the most effective now, metaphysically. Well, it is a bit unwieldy to be wearing a bracelet around, so I've gotten a Tiger's Eye Ring instead. Seems like it's properties make it very very useful for me, particularly in the times now. Why it never dawned on me earlier, I cannot remember, huhuhuhuh.

Ta-ta for now.


Anonymous said...

Tigerseye Ring? That's like an item in World of Warcraft that gives +2 Strength... :PP


The_Laptop said...

Hahahaha, okay. Except that in this world, the Tiger's Eye Ring is supposed to grant +5 Intelligence (it really is a mind ring rather than a body ring... the equivalent one to boost physical abilities is the Tiger Iron semi-precious gemstone).