Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New Regime + New Age

All right. New regime. The treadmill programme has to be cancelled, because they've recently installed a spanking new plasma television mounted on one corner of the room. That means that there will be lots of people who will be using the gym, since it is less boring than before to work out in there. Argh.

So, the new plan is to go swimming early in the morning at 7am for three times a week. That's right, swimming three times a week in the wee hours of the morning. That'll be the new plan till it is decided that even the pool is too crowded for my taste ha.

Due to the recent bad bad and bad state of mind that I am in, I'm now switching over the Kitaro's music once again. Sorry Teresa, not that I don't like your songs anymore, but I need something different to prop up myself while I sort out the internal conflicts. Your songs touch deeply within my heart... and it is my heart that is in need of introspection and healing. Please forgive me...

Check out the Buddha Bar compilations. The music is suitably chill and does not evoke extremely strong emotions of any sort. Pretty good complement to the New Age style of Kitaro.

Back to the grindstone. :-(


Anonymous said...

I know we are of the same kind when you start saying sorry to things that cannot receive our apologies, haha!!!


Anonymous said...

glad for you.

The_Laptop said...

What's there to be glad about...?

I'm just using yet another layer of abstraction to insulate myself further and thus continue the charade that everything is fine.

Isn't that supposed to be destructive?