Monday, March 01, 2021

It's a March

I got rather upset yesterday evening, and because of that, I ended up having to do some unplanned for packing/repacking of things. The only thing I want to say about this is that thanks to having a supply of surgical face masks, there was none of that rhinorrhea nonsense that I would always have when dealing with these kinds of packing---I suppose the dust is really killer. Also, the thought of buying my own apartment and moving out has come and been abated slightly for now.

Other than that, it has been a quiet day. I ended up playing release 1.16.5 of Minecraft. I've had Minecraft for a while, buying it when it reached release 1.8.7, but for long periods of time, I didn't do much with it. Part of the reason was that at some point, I would realise that I was just digging through random imaginary dirt, and that it felt like I could be doing something... more productive.

I played Minecraft this time round because I just wanted something mildly meditative to take my mind off several things that had been flowing through my head, and at the same time, wanting to listen to the reading of Genesis 12:1 to Exodus 12:51 for part of a bible study session that we are having with the care group. I could read it [again], but wanted to try something a little different instead.

I played Minecraft in survival mode, but with the modification of not losing my gear on death so that it was slightly less frustrating to play. I am on a single-player server anyway, and all that additional hardcore-ness was definitely not fun for the intended meditative-type gameplay I was going for.

I learnt most of my Minecraft knowledge from various Let's Play type videos, among which Joe Hills and Zisteau are the more prominent players, though Zisteau has been playing more of other games in recent years than Minecraft. I knew of both players from back in 2011 or so, when I learnt about the whole Complete the Monument (CTM) maps, particularly the ``Super Hostile Series'' by Vechs. While both the players did these challenge maps, their approach were diametrically opposite of each other, which made for good viewing.

Funny enough, it is only today that I learnt that I could milk cows by right clicking them with a bucket. To me, a bucket was useful for two things---lava to melt mobs, and water to unmelt self if the lava bucket accidentally spilt on myself. I suppose this is partly influenced by all that challenge map playthrough watching I have done. The reason for the milk bucket is to make my first cake in Minecraft.

Small victories huh.

In other news, this is the first month that I will be running purely on whatever funds I have squirrelled away for my sabbatical---the last month did not count because I still had half a month's worth of pay from my last company. It is scary in some ways, but really isn't in many others---hermitting it up at home has its advantages in terms of reducing the out-flow of cash. As long as I don't go overboard with the R&R, focusing on justifiable quality over quantity, I am good.

Well, that's about all I want to write for now. It is time for a shower, and I would want to power through some more of Deep Learning. That book has been mocking me for a long time, as is Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, but that latter book is nearly 4k pages long and is thus understandable.

Till the next update, I guess.

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