Friday, March 12, 2021

Removing the Lint

I promise this is the last entry for the day.

I didn't play any games, preferring to watch more ESA 2021 Winter VODs, well specifically the Pokémon X one. I've always enjoyed the Pokémon runs in general---they are long relative to most other games that are speedrun, but a lot of thought goes into the routing of which Pokémon to pick up, what statistics to look out for, what items to get, and movement optimisations. Pokémon speedruns are also where the ``X-items'' (X-ATTACK, X-SPEED, specifically) and ``repel items'' are extensively used. And since the runs are usually at least an hour or two, the couch commentary is usually very chill with lots of funny conversations going on as they explain the mechanics for that particular generation of Pokémon and tease each other. It's a very relaxing watch most of the time.

I did spend some time working through pylint results on the recent Huffman code, the sitemap generator code, and the basic database object for my Bible text mining set up.

I've used linters before, but never one for Python3. Let's just say that I've learnt quite a few things from it that may make me reconsider the style that I have been using for Python3 till thus far.

Anyway, it's shower time, then bed time.

Till the next update.

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