Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sojourning in Night City

It has been a rather quiet Sunday. As mentioned yesterday, I have gotten ahold of Cyberpunk 2077 and have been playing it for the most of today, after of course my daily reading from Bible in One Year 2020 with Nicky Gumbel (am on day 317/365).

The gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077 is closer to CD PROJEKT RED's previous offering of The Witcher III. It's quasi-open world, and is really amenable to just exploration, which is fun.

It's like leaving the apartment without actually leaving the apartment. Heheh...

Anyway, this is a deliberately short entry. I'm likely to be doing other things tomorrow instead of continuing my visit to Night City, but I wouldn't hold my breath too hard.

Till the next [hopefully less short] update.

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