Friday, August 03, 2007

Suzuka II

Ah! Finally finished watching Suzuka. It is as I said earlier, a nice romance story between Yamato and Suzuka. Among the most interesting lessons to learn from this anime, is the fact that ``love is not a spectator sport''. It seems that one needs to take active steps in the pursuit of one's love, be it of something mundane or that of a romantic connection. Yamato's chief problem, it seems, is to always "go with the flow"; he never seems to be able to figure out what he wants. In fact, for the most part of the anime, he is always trapped in a lot of the problems that his inaction takes him to, till towards the end, when he decided that he wanted to be the top sprinter in Japan, among other things.

Some things can't be forced... relationships don't really work out if at least one of the two parties is having serious doubts about his/her role. Nothing personal, just an observation that I gleaned from this anime.

Next anime series to watch: Chobits. I know I've read the manga, but I think the anime will have a different perspective to it, and I think after watching such a semi-serious anime like Suzuka, I probably need something a little more comical to release all that tense emotions. But first, dinner... then it is off to another marathon round of anime watching!

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