Monday, August 20, 2007

Nightmare + Swimming

I begin:

He could hear their voices, their cries of pure anguish, as he lay there on the bed, unmoving, unflinching. He heard him say "it's okay... just let go, just let go, we have our memories of you burnt onto the vast collection of disks over the years, your laughter, your cries, your successes and your failures; just let go". He felt himself relaxing somewhat, and slowly found his right shoulder and head rising, ever so lightly, like as though they were filled with the lightness of helium and such. He opened his eyes, and found to his horror that he could look down on his body. "No, this cannot be!" he thought "I'm not dead yet!" Closing his eyes, he could see a block of squares, already half-dimmed, and as he stared at it, the lights were dimming off, one square at a time, and he realised to his horror that each time a square dimmed off, he felt one part of himself feeling much lighter than before and floating upwards. "No! I cannot let go! I'm not dead yet!" he screamed in his mind, and blacked out. The next thing he knew, he was awake and looking at the congregation of concerned people surrounding him. Seems like he didn't succumb to the lightness of it all after all.

This story fragment started it's life as a really bad nightmare, with me feeling everything that he does in the story. To make matters worse, when he felt as though he was drifting away, ever floating upwards, I felt as though I was falling into the same trap, slowly drifting off. That was when I felt that I had to draw the line and stop this from happening, and promptly woke myself up in cold sweat.

That's why these days I prefer to work to exhaustion before attempting to fall asleep. Nightmares like this can really mar one's composure for most of the day, especially when they start to deal with one's inner demons or expose the sides of us that we know are our personality's weakest links.

In other news, I've found out some useful stuff on swimming. Total Immersion Swimming is a new look at swimming which tries to make swimming easier by emphasizing on the need to be more slippery in the water, through the proper use of the body's natural buoyancy and streamline-ness. The Freestyle as done using Total Immersion is ridiculously easy; I'm still laughing at how easy it is compared to the really tiring crawl that I was doing before. It has progressed to the point that I actually was swimming with the Freestyle instead of the Breast Stroke for almost all of my laps in the pool; one word: amazing.

More stuff: I'm in the process of putting together my first "real" piece in FL Studio 7, and will probably release it soon. Only catch is that I will probably need to put up a new website to do all these distributions. Am torn between using a friend's server or my college's web space. Will probably be worrying about these kinds of stuff later on when I actually have the music ready for deployment.

Guess that's all for now. Need to start packing up my stuff before flying off on Friday to get my ass back to CMU for another year of hard-core CS nose-grinding work. (=

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