Friday, August 03, 2007


The ironies of life; when one's busy, one complains about not having enough time to things that they like. When one's too free, one starts wondering about what things one can do to make things less boring.

Suzuka is an interesting anime exploring the nature of human relationships, particularly between the title character and the guy Yamato. While the story is largely centred around Suzuka, the entire narrative is spoken through the eyes of Yamato. What makes this story interesting is the fact that it portrayal of the world is not as stylised as other anime; it is more serious in nature yet funny enough to keep things on the light-hearted side.

I think that I'm learning more life lessons from watching anime and reading manga than all the books that I've ever read so far. Heheh...

In other news, I'm trying to resist the urge of trying to play Pokémon. It's been a long while since I last played that game, and as time is going on, I find that the will to resist is lowering. Soon, I might end up replaying from Red/Blue onwards to the latest Pearl/Diamond. Argh, damn.

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