Monday, December 15, 2008

Douchebaggery Can Bite My Shiny Metal Ass

You can always not like the research that I do, but you should respect that work has been done and not just diss it like it were a passing cur. I hate people who belittle the things that I do... it is annoying, it is downright stupid, and it is completely unnecessary.

Just because you are older does not give you the absolute right to claim that what I'm doing is useless and give me that dismissive wave. Just because you are younger and a ``prodigy'' labelled by the press does not give you the absolute right to tell me what I should be doing, particularly when I am having fun. You have your fun your way, I will have my fun my way, thankyouverymuch. You do your research in your cubby hole, I do mine in my cubby hole, thankyouvermuchalso.

People who do not know how to respect others and what they do ought to be taken aside and have some sense beaten in their heads. Age and level of genius does not give one the unassailable right to douchebaggery---you are as human as I am, and you can still bleed. No one is immortal.

And do not make me unleash my full violence upon you...

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