Tuesday, December 23, 2008


ImageMagick is a very useful command line program that can be used to do batch processing of graphics. Here's a useful incantation:

convert input-files -colorspace Gray -depth 4 output-file

Note that this allows the creation of a pdf of images. Interesting for converting comics into a pdf that Eirian can read.

Alright, I'm done with writing. Back to converting comic piles.

1 comment:

roticv said...

I use it to do printscreen.

Regarding your note:
I'm trying to clear up my USACO and move on to other things. There are so many things I can possibly do right now. I do feel that I need to work harder on combinatorics, dynamics programming, mathematics and so on.Sigh, it is sad that I couldn't read a module on combinatorics due to clash in timetable and might have to wait one year to read it.

My personal feelings are that 1 year of training won't be long enough to train out some young kid to represent Singapore in IOI. I do wish to start at some secondary school (maybe one that comes with jc will be good too). That's the view I hold after I managed to train someone to be a gold medalist (sadly he is not a Singaporean).

I'm okay with helping you out, though I'm worried that my own training for ACM-ICPC might be conducted on Saturdays too. Also, I have my "strong" areas such as graph and mathematics and weak areas such as dynamic programming and backtracking. Hopefully you can complement me.