Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Minor Edits

Some minor edits for my information portal. These include:
  • Removing the hairspace surrounding the emdash
  • Tweaking the solidus to hug to the left and have zerospace on the right to facilitate proper line breaking
  • Reduce unnecessary verbage for a few of the pages
  • Putting up the final paper I wrote for my research
  • Introduced more details on the various code substitution tools I have
As you can see, really minor edits to make it a little more readable/usable/pleasing to the eye.

Alright, it is getting late, and I should probably turn in for the night. Till next time.

1 comment:

roticv said...

I needed that kind of precision because I was trying to solve a question on project euler which asked us to calculate the digit sum of the first 100 digits of the square root of integers that are not perfect square. The article you have posted is an interesting read.

I don't know if you know this, but back in 1998 AMD created 3DNow! technology which included the instruction PFRSQRT which does packed floating-point reciprocal square root approximation. Hehe.