Saturday, July 04, 2009

Some Clarification

Now that I'm nicely lubed up with alcohol in my blood stream and am bordering between being awake and tipsy (the best position to be in for the circumstance at hand), I am somewhat ready to talk.

If you haven't realised by now, Ida broke up with me no more than 48 hours ago.

It is not the best of feelings to get---when things seem like they were going okay, the release of a bombshell that literally hits me straight in the chest, casting me far beyond where I would be happy to be.

The sad thing is that I can't find a compelling enough reason to literally put her out of my mind. She never did anything to harm me, except for this break-up. Absolutely nothing. And I was happy whenever I was with her.

Am I bitter? Maybe. I like being a little fair in stating my point of view---I am bitter in the sense that it didn't work out. But I harbour no ill feelings towards her.

I just hope that she is happier with her decision made.

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