Friday, July 24, 2009


The strange thing about confronting one's issues is that while the confrontation itself might be very painful in the beginning, in the long run, perhaps it will actually be a good thing for oneself. Here's how I look at it---if I never confront my fears to actually decide once and for all how screwy my perceptions are on the perceived fears, there is no way of knowing if the fears are warranted or not. In this case, I am referring to the various aspects of my life that are sort of falling apart as time goes by. Part of the reason why I am having some trouble here and there with regards to how exactly to feel could be that I didn't really choose to confront what was causing me all the grief---the moment I started to confront them one by one and take an active step forward towards better understanding what is going on, and also to determine the best cause of action, I start to feel less stressed out. In fact, I can even claim that I actually become more calm due to the relieving aspects of being able to talk through to see what is going on.

So, sure, life sucks, the sky is falling, the ground shakes too much, I'm dirt broke and out of love. But at the very least, I am still standing on my own two feet solidly on the ground. It is a rough patch---I'm still struggling to get through, but I will pull through somehow.

I always will. I just need more time.

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