Tuesday, February 09, 2021

OMAD Restart

I think I'm finally back on the bandwagon on my weight loss journey that I started roughly when I started at my last work place, going back to just having one meal a day. I suppose I am starting to be a little bored with snacking, and am otherwise occupied with enough activities that take my mind off that of food.

Is this a sign of improvement of my mental state? Can it last? Only time will tell. Also, 2019 was a life-time ago, given all that had transpired in between.

In other thoughts, I am not really a fan of ordering food to be delivered to the apartment when I am in Singapore, mostly for the reason that I literally live next to the neighbourhood centre where there are at least five different coffee shops [that sell food and are not those frou-frou cafés], making it supremely easy to grab almost whatever I want. When I was studying in the US, there were many reasons to rely on food delivery services, the most important of which was to avoid having to dress up to head out, especially in the winter months. That, coupled with the fact that the nearest food place was usually more than one mile away meant that if I was at home, one main meal would likely to be from a food delivery service.

I cooked at home back in the day, but it took time and effort, things that I was sorely lacking while grinding through what would turn out to be a rather bad post-graduate situation. So often times it was easier to just have something delivered instead. Groceries shopping without a car was tricky but not impossible---just piecewise purchases each time I left the apartment to head out to classes/the office.

However, back in Singapore, one of the few times that I did not mind using some kind of food delivery service was when I was trying to buy meals for more than myself, i.e. for my family. In this case, the convenience of not having to queue at different places and bring the said food back definitely overruled everything else.

That said, I would rather order from places where they fielded their own food delivery service, instead of relying on one of those pesky ``platforms''. Call it laziness from not wanting to create yet another account on something that I use rarely, or call it trying to vote with my wallet against exploitive practices---it doesn't matter.

So, none of that ``Grab Food'', ``Food Panda'', ``Deliveroo'', or ``Uber Eats'' (is that still alive?) for me.

And no, there really isn't much of a point that I am trying to make here. At best, it is just small talk to mark the passing of yet another day.

Till the next update, I suppose.

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