Saturday, February 20, 2021

Shortened Day

They are right, you know. The days do pass faster when one has something to do, and is not really about whether one is having fun or not. Having something to do is a great way to not pay too close attention to the passage of time, which allows the subjective perception of time to shorten.

Take today for instance. I didn't do much---I read a bit more of Deep Learning, cleared a few more side quests of The Outer Worlds, watched more VODs from ESA Winter 2021, catch the latest video from ElectroBOOM, messed around with Windows registry API access with Python3, fixed some busted URL parsing in the JavaScript that supported the automated navigation generation, and went to church.

To me, it didn't feel as though I had just passed one day---it felt more of a passing of way less.

That's all I would want to write today though. Till the next update.

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