Monday, February 15, 2021

Popping Colours

Hello! It's almost exactly a month since the start of my sabbatical, and what a month it has been. I won't summarise what has happened thus far, mostly because I have written quite a bit of it here already.

Instead, I will just continue with what I normally want to say.

First off, I'd like to make a small shout out to The_Laptop Writes..., my blog that features poems. It is the other blog that I sometimes update in lieu of writing something here. There are a few reasons why I might want to do that, but the main one is simple: sometimes I just don't feel like writing prose of any sort.

With that out of the way, I just want to report that the weird wrist pain that I have been facing with has been alleviated through the use of topical Ketoprofen in the form of a Kefentech-brand plaster. The idea here is less about the pain-killing effect and more on the anti-inflammatory effect. I can tolerate a lot of kinds of pain, and my personal philosophy is that pain is a strong symptom that something is wrong. Usually this something is either a breakage, or an increase in pressure somewhere. In cases where infection isn't suspected (e.g. no breakage of skin, no ``high pressure'' sensation, no obvious discolouration), it is usually the case that it is some kind of swelling from inflammation. Normally I would go for oral Ibuprofen pills, but since the wrist thing is sufficiently superficial as compared to say some deep muscle aches, I decided to make use of the topical approach instead.

Works like a charm.

I think I should be a little more careful with how I type with this new set up where I raised the height of Eileen-II differentially to improve the airflow. I still think that it is a good idea to keep doing so, because while running The Outer Worlds (which is a modern 3D game that burns lots of CPU and GPU), the overall fan speed and generated thermal energy are well tolerated.


With the Chinese Lunar New Year ``festivities'' weekend out of the way, it is back to something that is more mundane. I have managed to make a little progress through Deep Learning, but have been having lots of fun with watching welding videos, hydraulic press videos, and crazy ``game tester'' videos. It's all good fun.

I fixed my JavaScript text prettifier to take into account the `、' character, treating it like a `/' with the associated association rules, just in case. That text prettifier is really done by now, and these days I'm just identifying various edge cases to update.

All my blogs use it to ensure that the text looks as pretty as I can get away with.

I have also changed up the colours for the read-links on the sidebar. They now pop out of the dark background much better.

I think that's all I have for today; back to The Outer Worlds I go. Till the next update.

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