Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Web Browser Load Out

Already the second day of February is fast reaching a close.

I am still a little sore in my glutes from the house unpacking exercise with my other sister, and had spent most of the day at home, like always. The final pay cheque from my last two weeks of service at my old job had been confirmed to be in, as was the actual payslip itself.

I spent the morning setting up Chromium as yet another web browser. I already have Google Chrome for the ``trashy'' social-media/email-centric isolating browser (with uBlock Origin), and Waterfox with very strict control of what runs on it in the form of uBlock Origin as above and NoScript. I also have HTTPS Everywhere from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) set up to ensure that URLs will tend to redirect to using HTTPS if available. But I seriously digress.

I set up a new browser in addition to the two because I have found myself having that itch to update my various blogs more frequently. Thanks to both the migration of all Blogger accounts to Google accounts, and how Google Chrome basically gets commandeered by any logged in Google account at any Google web site, it proved stupid annoying to attempt to update the blogs without a new browser.

I needed to either use the in-cognito mode of Google Chrome to bypass that logged in lock in, or use Firefox/Waterfox to do the log in, but needing to remember to log out in case I accidentally feed browsing data unwittingly. It was basically many levels of suck, and so the decision was made to just install another web browser to that remains opened so that I can do any blog entry update at any time. I chose Chromium because I refused to use Edge.

Finding the binaries to actually install Chromium proved to be a confusing exercise. A quick search would lead one to this official-looking version, from which it is ``obvious'' that only unstable versions are available to download. Some more search-fu later yielded the link that I highlighted nearer the beginning. The installation part was quite straightforward, and I was glad that after logging into Blogger, there was no commandeering of the browser itself. There was, however, a severe limitation in that it was not possible to make use of the web store to install any extensions into Chromium directly---to load any extensions would require a manual side-load, a process that was more effort than it was worth for the small thing that I had in mind.

Anyway, it was set up accordingly, and I am glad.


I finally sat down and concentrated a bit more on Adi Parva of The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, reading some 83 pages. I think there is a chance that I can actually complete this volume before the end of next week, but I am definitely not going to hold my breath.

There was a care group sharing session earlier in the evening, and it was a good session that was spent over teleconference. I felt a little bad that I had little bad things to talk about; it sort of helped to put many things into perspective.

Anyway, it is getting late, and I should turn in for the night. Another day awaits, and there are some errands that need to be run.

Till the next update then.

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