Monday, June 14, 2021

Extending the Streak

Yeah, it's an early blog entry; so what?

It's been a long while since I have headed out to chill, and I kinda miss it a little. It's about that slight exhilaration one gets from leaving the apartment to experience ``the outside'', a change of view and a bit of a change of environment. It's sort of related to heading out for a cycle, except that it is more tranquil and passive compared to the always active seeking that is necessary in cycling.

I've been ``supplementing'' the hermit life through consuming a somewhat unhealthy amount of potato chips, beer, and super spicy flavoured instant noodles. And yes, I am getting fat. It's not good.

I keep telling myself that I will get back on the OMAD bandwagon. Let me just make a public statement here and say that when this day next week begins, it will be true---I still have some of those spicy flavoured instant noodles to get on with.

Hmm... I don't actually have anything else to say for now. I just felt like quickly continuing my streak before I head off to do... other things.

Till the next update then.

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