Friday, June 04, 2021

Stupid O'Clock is a State of Mind, and Not a Physical Time

I should really be sleeping, but hey, what's the fun of being on sabbatical if I don't make use of opportunities of stupid o'clock?

The day has been atrociously hot. Even with a fan blowing away at full speed, I still find myself covered in that thin layer of cloying sweat that is just annoyingly sticky. It is at times like this that I really contemplate if it is really worth it to get some kind of air-conditioning, not necessarily for the entire apartment, but at the very least for my room.

But that would be selfish and energy inefficient, especially since I live in those older-styled apartments where are no mounting areas for the compressor/radiator for one side of the apartment, and in this case, it happens to be my side.

The heat and humidity---I end up taking at least two showers at a minimum (once in the morning, and once before sleeping), but have done three yesterday (once in the morning, once near dinner, and once before sleeping). It looks like it's going to be four today---once in the morning, once after the voluntary swab test, once before dinner, and one more time before I sleep later on.

Unbelievable. I am really starting to be worried about how this upcoming ``summer'' is going to be like.

I talked in the previous post about just wrapping up the game through completely visiting all the rooms in the map, but I ended up actually completing all the available Steam achievements instead by accident. The key factor to success was the high ROI gold farming strategy. Using the build and strategy, combined with watching Amelia Watson ripping and tearing in Doom (2016) made the farming relatively painless.

I amassed some 2M gold with around 20 Ayamur for breaking down with Alkahest for the Gold. The Gold was then used to augment the Alchemic Bounty shard, which provides a means of duplicating hard-to-obtain crafting materials through disassembl. Combining that with 2M gold, and farming a little of the 8-Bit Overlord for the 8-Bit Nightmare crafting item meant that I could then finish up the most difficult part of the Steam achievements, which was item (weapon) completion, specifically of the ``8-bit weaponry'' category. The 8-Bit Nightmare is quite annoying to farm for, and is used for all the highest tier weapons in the ``8-bit weaponry'' category.

Anyway, to avoid over-nerding out, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is completely done (with Miriam), and I am happy to set it down and put it aside.

Not sure if I want to play some more controller games for now (looking at Bayonetta with that remark), or heading back to keyboard and mouse (about two episodes out of seven for Amid Evil left), or ``mostly keyboard'' (think Jupiter Hell runs or Desktop Dungeon runs). Realistically though, I'll probably end up doing a stint of reading, having just finished reading Animorphs Series: The Discovery, which is a mild gotcha because it is not a single story but a two-parter [at least]. Ah well, I just have to look at it tomorrow.

Ah tomorrow. That's when the swab test results are completed too. I just pray that they have got a good sample from me so that the test results are conclusive enough for them to decide. Whether I am an asymptomatic (I keep saying it as ``asymptotic'' for some weird reason) infected or clear, it'll be fine.

There's a reason why they have pushed back the vaccination of the 20--39 years old demographics. Because we don't die that quickly from COVID-19. I am a bit hazy on whether we suffer the aftermath of surviving COVID-19 less too... but with our better understanding of the virus' effects after battling it for more than 18 months, the suffering is probably minimised.

And that's about it for now; I can feel myself getting sleepier. Time for another shower, and then knocking out for the night.

Till the next update.

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