Thursday, October 21, 2021

Minor Update

Here's a short one. I've gotten the parallax background working in LED2-20. I had to ditch the vertical parallax due to what seems to be a general slow down due to too many FUNCTION/SUB calls. I kept the vertical slices idea, but used a code generator in Python3 that would only call the fancier GaPutBitmap() SUB on the leftmost and rightmost slices, relying on the direct call to the faster PUT statement to draw them. In addition, I ended up using an additional screen page to cache the background to PCOPY over to the page under active rendering to further reduce overhead from drawing each slice.

It does make me worried about how terrain tiles would work though, but we'll deal with it later.

Scrolling the background using on-the-fly loading from the FILEPAK for the needed slice works well now, and the speed is acceptable.

Now I'm working on the explosions part. We'll see how it goes.

Till the next update.

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