Monday, December 13, 2021

I Can't Say I've Never Said This Before

A thought came to mind while I was showering: there's a high chance that I might be talking about something that I had talked about before in any post that I might put up here.

I mean, I have been writing here since 2006, so a revisit of some topics is inevitable. It is not like I'm trying to compile a compendium of unique thoughts or something in this blog.

I say this in reference to what I was thinking about on the side in Thirds of Months, where I was wondering if I had talked about my liking for dividing months up into thirds as opposed to the weeks that normal people do (with the unspoken alternative of dividing into halves as being too crude for anything useful).

I guess past-me had already prepared for this eventuality with the particular choice of words in the disclaimer that appears at the bottom of every page:
Disclaimer: All views expressed in this blog are #1 mine and mine alone unless otherwise indicated, and #2 are consistent only at the time of publication of the particular entry. Specifically, my views do not represent any communities, groups, societies, or companies that I may be a part of at the time of the entry, and that my past views are not strongly correlated with what my current views are. However, if you realise that there are factual errors, do not hesitate to inform me through the comment box. Comments are moderated, and if you would like me to not publish your point of information comment, you can say so as well.
Sasuga past-me for thinking ahead!

Seriously though, while it is likely that I maintain a similar view point despite the passage of time, it is not guaranteed---the mark of an educated person is to always reconsider his/her position when new and relevant evidence is displayed. It takes a particularly obstinate and immature person to continually cling on to their viewpoint without applying the associated critical thinking.

Actually, at some level holding any sort of view point without first applying critical thinking can be considered a problem. Many people offer their opinions about everything and anything, regardless of whether they actually know what is going on, or have ``done their `research' ''---that's generally fine by me, since an opinion is nothing more than a person's expression of his/her thoughts about something, no matter how shallow or deep. What rustles my jimmies are when they position their opinion as ``objective fact'', and then get all offended when their ``objective fact'' gets disproven with actual third-party verifiable counter facts.

I mean, there's no need to be offended; if the new evidence does not cause one to change one's opinion, that's fine, but to demand that people discard the evidence to follow only your opinion, that's not right in my book. If you're going to be that sort of person, then I'd rather you keep your opinions to yourself.

That actually applies to the comments in this blog too. Even though I talk about moderating the comments, in reality, I have a rather lax policy. As long as the comment is reasonable and reasonably polite, I don't mind publishing it and/or responding to it. The main purpose of moderation is to stop spammers and scammers more than anything else---my blog has a low enough traffic that this one-man lax policy is sufficient to keep things from getting out of hand.

That's about it for this entry. Till the next one.

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