Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Unintentional Physical Labour

Man... unintentional physical labours are really unwanted in this heat, that's for sure.

I was digging through my careful stacks of stuff to look for some stuff I wanted when I realised that the replacement luggage that was provided for by the airline(?) had the rubberised plastic tyres on the four wheels disintegrated.

Okay, that was a lot to unpack, so let me take it a step at a time.

My [hard shell] luggage from yonder year was damaged beyond repair by the airline years ago, and as compensation, they replaced it with another one. I don't usually travel with a hard shell luggage these days, preferring a soft one since I no longer have to lug anything more than clothes as compared to my studying days where books required the hard shells for protection.

So that replacement luggage was just sitting there, and holding on to my deep winter gear.

Thanks to SIN city's atrocious temperature and humidity, the plasticiser leached out of the rubberised plastic and caused it to shatter into a mix of hard chunks and sticky goo.

I just found it sad that its quality was thus though. My previous luggage, the one that this one replaced, was easily older and went through more hell, and yet what defeated it finally was fucked up baggage handling that destroyed the axles of the large wheel.

I think the new design itty-bitty plastic wheels just don't have the same kind of strength as the old one where two larger wheels sat at the corners, and then a couple of metal castors balanced it off.

Because of all that, I had to do some additional clean up as well.

My energy budget did not account for that, and so I ended up getting an extra bowl of wanton noodles and soup. I'll probably balance the energy intake for dinner later by dropping the rice and just eating the stew (which probably has potatoes in them anyway).

The weather has been uncharacteristically hot these couple of days, after having torrential rain just over the weekend. Considering that this is still the rainy season, I think that a correction is about to occur sooner or later, as foretold by the strong winds that kept on blowing. Those winds though, they were not cooling at all---they had the kind of hot desert wind feel, where instead of cooler air moving, it was the hotter one. Hard to explain to someone who has not experienced that before.

In other news, mGBA has been disappointing. It kept crashing while running some of the ROM images that I had lying around. Not sure why, but I'm just going to go back to something a little more tried and true, like VisualBoyAdvance-M, a descendent of the legendary VisualBoyAdvance.

There's a care group meeting online tonight, and I'm looking forward to it. That's about it for now though.

Oh, for what it's worth, today's the end of November. And this means one more month left in my sabbatical.

Till the next update.

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