Saturday, May 29, 2021

Beering It Up at Home Instead of the Bar

What a day.

I spent it quietly watching YouTube videos while farming materials for Miriam in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. Little Nightmares was sold at a 100% discount on Steam, and I bought it for the ripe price of SGD 0.00.

Drank up the remaining five out of ten cans of Tiger beer that I purchased in lieu of my trip down to my favourite bar, but didn't drink enough regular water to compensate for it, and so I'm nursing a mild headache.

Ah well.

Oh, after complaining and fixing issues on my website relating to IE11, I received news recently that IE11 finally has an expiry date of Jun 15, 2022, though its expiry doesn't seem to be total.

So there are still some good reasons to have done the fixes that I have. Good to know that the effort wasn't wasted.

Anyway, that's about it---it's a short one to keep up with the momentum. Till the next update.

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