Monday, May 17, 2021

Keeping the Momentum

T'is a Monday, the first work day after the so-called ``Phase Two (Heightened Alert)'' is in place for SIN. I'm still on sabbatical, so it doesn't really affect me. I got in to a couple of light chats with some old friends, before going down the nearly 9-hour rabbit hole that is Ina'nis' stream of Call of Cthulhu as I was reading through Handbook of Data Structures and Applications. I've completed page 1134/1321, and soon it will be done and I can safely file it away (in detail) at my read-list.

What else is there to write about today? Nothing much really... it's mostly R&R taken in a different direction. I am thinking about getting some kind of collapsible reading chair to be more comfortable when reading [large] dead-tree books---while I have a nice big vertically mounted monitor for reading e-books, I still have a stupid number of dead-tree books that I would like to read and frankly, the HATTEFJÄLL I got recently just doesn't quite cut it, despite it being super comfortable for table-work. It isn't about the lack of arm-rests, nor is it about the reclining angle, but more of how it forces a proper posture that is not always wanted in a dead-tree reading mode.

Or I'm just being picky/weird. I mean, prior to my graduation from college, I did do much of my reading over a small 2-seater McDonald's table at the old Jurong Entertainment Centre (now known as JCube after the massive reconstruction some 11+ years ago) while munching on a 2-dollar large fries from the same fast food restaurant.

Eh, I'm just rambling. I'll stop here and do some final reading after my shower before turning in for the night. Till the next update.

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