Thursday, May 13, 2021

More IE11 Support Shenanigans

Eh, it's a Thursday, and a public holiday.

I said before that I knew how to fix that <ol> issue on IE11, but may not want to do so do due to effort. Well, I did it in spite of effort.

And promptly unearthed a new issue, this time regarding the XMLHttpRequest that I was using to query and parse certain existing pages. It seems that IE11, for some reason, does not understand the use of responseType property to auto-parse the text into a suitable DOM. It seems like I would need to make use of DOMParser to do that, with an extra code path to do that on detection that it is IE11 that is at play.

This takes up way more effort than force setting the value attribute of the <li> tags to support the reversed boolean attribute of <ol>.

I could have done that today, but the heart really isn't in it. Maybe tomorrow.


Reading is a bit slow today, completing page 947/1321 of Handbook of Data Structures and Applications, and page 72/99 of Animorphs Series: Megamorphs #1: The Andalite's Gift as at time of writing. The weather is odd, and I am feeling a little under the weather myself, nursing some kind of weird headache and mild nausea.

I really hope that I'm not down with something. It is a terrible time to fall sick, especially with the rise in so-called local community cases for COVID-19, and the potential clusterfuck that stems from mass congregations due to the public holiday today (Hari Raya Puasa).

Anyway, it's a short entry today, super barebones, and nothing pretentious. Till the next update.

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