Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Preparation for Building a New PC

I finally sat down and do some planning for the new PC that I am building for mum. The last build lasted for nearly 8 years, and the next build is targeting a similar horizon as well. It'll be the first build that I have done in years that uses UEFI, the successor to the BIOS that I was most familiar with for decades (I'd never thought I'd see the day that I could start using ``decades'' to describe a body of knowledge that I possess). It is also the first build that will use the M.2 2280 form factor SSD as the boot drive instead of SATA 3.0.

It will, naturally, run Xubuntu, though I am limiting it to the latest Long-Term Support (LTS) release, which is 20.04 at the time of writing. Mum has been working with Linux computers for a long time, and it really does not impede her at all---she can watch videos and visit web sites fine, using LibreOffice tools during the rare occasions that she needs to.

Nothing left to do except to get the parts and then assemble it all tomorrow.


I have been watching more build videos on YouTube, this time from Stuff Made Here. It's in a position that is somewhere between the jank that is ElectroBOOM and the big budget Mark Rober, which means that it is pretty fun. What I like about Stuff Made Here is that he does try to show the programming parts, and that even he acknowledges that talking about how the programming is done is still the most boring thing [for a video]. He has few videos, but each one is pretty solid; he has enough videos to even generate some meme-worthy running jokes (``wife mode'' for pranking his wife).

That's about all I have for today. I'll probably finish up this chapter on skew heaps from Handbook of Data Structures and Applications before playing some Cyberpunk 2077---this hot weather is making it more prudent to be running the game at night than in the day. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, but it is definitely a thing.

Till the next update then.

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