Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Slow Day With Anon.'s Comments?

Compared to yesterday, today's rather sedate.

Apart from the usual Bible in One Year 2020 With Nicky Gumbel (day 355/365), I didn't do much reading. I didn't even watch many YouTube videos either.

I did spend quite a bit of time in Cyberpunk 2077 clearing out side quests. It has been a while since I last visited Night City, and I think that it is roughly the right time to head back there for a bit, to enjoy the nice scenery and side quest stories. Hotfix 1.22 did just drop in a couple of hours ago as I was watching the last few episodes of The Daria Restoration Project while ekeing some runs on Jupiter Hell (none of them successful), and so I'm probably heading back into Night City after this entry goes out.

There has been a rash of anonymous comments to various entries on this blog, which made me scratch my head a little. It's not normal to have people respond to my blogs, and usually they are from people whom I know. At least these anonymous comments so far are not triggering off my in-head spam/troll flags yet, so I suppose that's a good thing.

That said though, I would advise anyone who takes my blog entries as a common/everyday affair with sage-like wisdom to not believe too hard into that. All these near-daily entries are not really planned to last---they are happening as they are because of the fulfilment of the routine that I set out for myself for this sabbatical. Still want to note that the primary audience for this blog is still myself, and whoever among my friends who are still following vicariously, so expecting a consistent output of a modern ``content creator'' is sheer folly.

That warning is as much for me as it is for the reader.

Anyway, that's really all I have for today. I think at some fundamental level, all that excitement over the past two days in sorting out various weird technical issues have taken up quite a bit of energy, and so I am more likely to just take it easier today.

After this entry is published, I will go address some of the new anonymous comments that came in. I still think of it as strange...

Till the next update then.

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